Day Zero: FiSH Facilitator

Yesterday, I started as the Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror Writers’ Group facilitator. The group meets at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Center in Greenmount. That’s Susannah on the left, checking that I don’t make any terrible grammatical errors. It’s exciting to be in a room of writers who have an interest in these genres. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this before.

I’m hoping the group will be excellent for networking, and like other writing groups, serve to keep me identifying as a writer. At the moment, if I take two days off writing I start identifying as ‘bum,’ ‘recluse,’ and ‘the guy who sweeps the millipedes out of the house.’

For the remainder of today, I delved into the short story catalogue and found, ‘Norman, Late of Greysham.’ It’s a short story I wrote in December of 2016. The tale is set in ‘The Plague of Ladybirds’ universe/village and references some of that novel’s events. With the intention of posting it on this site, it needed reworking in order for to function as a stand alone story. The biggest surprise in this exercise? I realised my writing has improved vastly in the last six years.

Hopefully, I can get the edits completed soon and post it on Strange Reads. The site is coming together. Right now, there are big plans and no content.

‘You know what I’ve noticed? Nobody panics when things go “according to plan”. Even if the plan is horrifying!’ – Heath Ledger’s Joker

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One Comment

  1. Congratulations, good luck and enjoy the ride.

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